May 5-9, 2025, Dubrovnik, Croatia
We are pleased to organize the “11th International Conference on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology (FPPT-11)” in Dubrovnik, May 5-9, 2025. This is the eleventh conference in the series and the earlier conferences were held in India (Bangalore-2002, Goa-2005), Thailand (Bangkok-2007), Nepal (Kathmandu-2009), Singapore (2011), Botswana (Gaborone-2013), India (Kochi-2015), Chile (Viña del Mar-2017), Sri Lanka (Negembo-2019) and Nepal (Kathmandu-2023).
Conference venue: Conference Hall, Royal Hotels and Resorts, Dubrovnik.
Accommodation: Accommodation for the delegates is negotiated in ‘5* Royal Ariston Hotel’ and ‘4* Royal Neptun Hotel’, the complex of Royal Hotels and Resorts at the tariff mentioned below.
▪ Ariston and Neptune are adjacent buildings, and the conference hall is 2 minutes’ walk.
▪ 3 days pre/post reservations outside the conference dates will be provided subject to availability as
per quoted room rates.
▪ The hotel will provide the link for the individual booking that will be circulated in the coming days
and it will be valid until April 01st 2025, which will serve as a cut-off date.
▪ Late booking after April 01st 2025 is subject to availability and may vary in price.
5* Royal Ariston Hotel | 4* Royal Neptun Hotel |
Room type | Rate per night | Rate per night |
Single, Land view | € 170,00 | € 150,00 |
Double, Land view | € 180,00 | € 160,00 |
Single, Sea view | € 200,00 | € 180,00 |
Double, Sea view | € 210,00 | € 190,00 |
Conference Directors: Profs. Tara Desai (Chair), Prakash Patil and Nikša Krstulović.
Executive Committee: Profs: R. Fedosejevs (Canada), D. Hoffmann (Germany), J.T. Mendonca (Portugal), S. Nakai (Japan), M. Perlado (Spain), A. Sen (India), B. Sharkov (Russian Federation).
International Advisory Committee: Profs. V. Malka, Chair (Israel), U. Cvelbar (Slovenia), Y. Gu (P.R. China), R. Khanal (Nepal), P. Norreys (UK), M. Rakić (Croatia), C. Riccardi (Italy), U. Schramm (Germany).
International Scientific Committee: Profs. T. Ozaki, Chair (Canada), S. Gupta (India), S. Karsch (Germany), P. McKenna (UK), F. Porcelli (Italy), B. Shen (P.R. China), S. Ercegović Ražić (Croatia), V. Stancalie (Romania).
National Organising Committee: N. Krstulović (Chair), J. Car, A. Ludaš Dujmić and R. Radičić.
The motivation for organizing the FPPT series in different countries has been to provide an opportunity for local, young, and enthusiastic researchers to participate in the conference and have a close interaction with worldwide experts. The enthusiasm, endeavour and accomplishment of the conference series have been well admired by the delegates from developing and developed countries including the sponsors.
web page: fpptseries.org
Several international scientists have been invited and an early list of confirmed speakers includes Prof. U. Cvelbar (Slovenia), Prof. R. Fedosejevs (Canada), Prof. C. Gao (PR China), Prof. Yuqiu Gu (PR China), Dr. S. Gupta (India), Profs. D.D. Hoffmann (Germany), Prof. R. Khanal (Nepal), Prof. Ke Lan (PRC), Prof. V. Malka (Israel), Prof. P. McKenna (UK), Prof. J.T. Mendonca (Portugal), Prof. B. Nagler (USA), Prof. P. Norreys (UK), Prof. T. Ozaki (Canada), Prof. F. Porcelli (Italy), Prof. M. Perlado (Spain), Prof. B. Shen (PR China). Prof. V. Stancalie (Romania), dr. sc. Mario Rakić (Croatia), Prof. C. Riccardi (Italy), dr. sc. Tonči Tadić (Croatia) and many confirmations are awaited.
The emphasis of the conference will be on all the frontier topics of plasma physics and technologies and classified into the following three categories but not limited to. Kindly note that Tracks II and III are of importance to the IAEA mission on Nuclear Energy.
Track I. Fundamental plasmas: astrophysical, cosmic and space plasmas; condensed and extreme state matter; high energy density matter; laboratory astrophysical, planetary, supernova: magnetic reconnection, nonlinear plasma waves, turbulent plasmas; physics of natural disasters, etc.
Track II. Advances in Nuclear Energy: magnetically confined plasmas, inertial fusion plasmas, nuclear physics under transient state, recent progress in nuclear fusion studies, target and reactor physics, renewable energy, unconventional energy sources, Z-pinch, hybrid (fission plus fusion) reactors, etc.
Track III. Innovative trends in applications and technologies: technological innovations leading to newer applications, generation of novel plasma, neutron, laser and x-radiation sources, advances in particle/photon acceleration, progress in nanotechnologies, laser-plasma interaction, development of high accuracy diagnostics, applications in agriculture, biology, chemistry, climate and environment, health, industries, safety, present and future of nuclear waste management and safety, and application of vacuum technology in plasma research etc.
There will be Keynote, plenary, invited, oral, contributory lectures and poster sessions.
Registration (form enclosed): December 15, 2024, Early reg preferred.
Abstract submission: January 15, 2025 or earlier
Author notification on the abstract: January 30, 2025
Second announcement: March 10, 2025
Scientific programme: April 10, 2025
Final announcement: April 10, 2023
Registration on desk: May 05, 2025
First announcement: